[ { "key":"_button_messages_", "value":"Messages", "description":"Messages button label on home screen" }, { "key":"_button_checklist_", "value":"Checklist", "description":"Checklist button label on home screen" }, { "key":"_button_signdocs_", "value":"Sign Documents", "description":"Sign Documents button label on home screen" }, { "key":"_button_getstarted_", "value":"Get Started", "description":"Getting Started button on home screen" }, { "key":"_button_complete-checklist_", "value":"Complete Checklist", "description":"Complete Checklist button on home screen" }, { "key":"_button_save_", "value":"Save", "description":"Save button label" }, { "key":"_button_cancel_", "value":"Cancel", "description":"Cancel button label" }, { "key":"_button_close_", "value":"Close", "description":"Close button label" }, { "key":"_button_continue_", "value":"Continue", "description":"Continue button label" }, { "key":"_button_accountsetup_", "value":"Setup New Account", "description":"Setup new account button" }, { "key":"_button_loginwithbank_", "value":"Login to ", "description":"Login to bank via sso button" }, { "key":"_button_attachdocs_", "value":"Attach Documents", "description":"Attach Documents button on request doc task dialog" }, { "key":"_button_ok_", "value":"Ok", "description":"Ok button label" }, { "key":"_button_applynow_", "value":"Apply for New Loan", "description":"Apply Now button label displayed on the home page" }, { "key":"_button_send_", "value":"Send", "description":"Send a new message button" }, { "key":"_button_reply_", "value":"Reply", "description":"Reply to a message button" }, { "key":"_button_next-steps_", "value":"Next Steps", "description":"Next steps button on portal v2" }, { "key":"_button_finalize_", "value":"OK, READY TO FINALIZE", "description":"Ready to finalize button in portal v2" }, { "key":"_button_link-accounts_", "value":"Link Account", "description":"Button for linking accounts" }, { "key":"_nav_contacts_", "value":"Contacts", "description":"Contact link in top nav and off-canvas menu" }, { "key":"_nav_settings_", "value":"Settings", "description":"Settings link in top nav and off-canvas menu" }, { "key":"_nav_home_", "value":"Home", "description":"Home link in the off-canvas menu" }, { "key":"_nav_signout_", "value":"Sign Out", "description":"Home link in the off-canvas menu" }, { "key":"_nav_personal-loan_", "value":"Personal Loan", "description":"Personal Loan tab on the left hand side of the dashboard" }, { "key":"_nav_credit-card_", "value":"Credit Card", "description":"credit card tab on the left hand side of the dashboard" }, { "key":"_nav_vehicle_", "value":"Vehicle Loan", "description":"Vehicle loan tab on the left hand side of the dashboard" }, { "key":"_nav_equity_", "value":"Home Equity", "description":"Home Equity loan tab on the left hand side of the dashboard" }, { "key":"_nav_smallbusiness-unsecured_", "value":"Small Business", "description":"Small Business Unsecured_ loan tab on the left hand side of the dashboard" }, { "key":"_nav_applynow_", "value":"Apply Now", "description":"Apply now link on the dashboard" }, { "key":"_nav_applynow_mobile_", "value":"Apply for New Loan", "description":"Apply now link in the off-canvas menu" }, { "key":"_nav_loginsecurity_", "value":"Login & Security", "description":"Login & Security link in top nav and off-canvas menu" }, { "key":"_label_months_", "value":"months", "description":"Months label on home screen" }, { "key":"_label_welcome_", "value":"Welcome", "description":"Welcome label in user menu" }, { "key":"_label_lastlogin_", "value":"last login", "description":"last login label on user menu" }, { "key":"_label_est-payment_", "value":"Est. Payment", "description":"Estimated Payment label on home screen" }, { "key":"_label_username_", "value":"Username", "description":"Username label on signin dialog and account setup" }, { "key":"_label_password_", "value":"Password", "description":"Password label on signin dialog" }, { "key":"_label_choose-password_", "value":"Password", "description":"Choose Password label on account setup dialog" }, { "key":"_label_confirm-password_", "value":"Confirm Password", "description":"Confirm Password label on account setup dialog" }, { "key":"_label_review-docs_", "value":"Docs I need to review", "description":"Docs to review accordion label" }, { "key":"_label_provide-docs_", "value":"Docs I need to provide", "description":"Docs to provide accordion label" }, { "key":"_label_sign-docs_", "value":"Docs I need to sign", "description":"Docs to sign accordion label" }, { "key":"_label_task-completed_", "value":"Completed", "description":"Completed label in task dialog" }, { "key":"_label_task-waived_", "value":"Waived", "description":"Waived label in task dialog" }, { "key":"_label_phone_", "value":"Phone", "description":"Contacts phone label" }, { "key":"_label_email_", "value":"Email", "description":"Contacts email label" }, { "key":"_label_amount_", "value":"Amount", "description":"Amount label on home screen" }, { "key":"_label_term_", "value":"Term", "description":"Term label on home screen" }, { "key":"_label_apr_", "value":"APR", "description":"APR label on home screen" }, { "key":"_label_payment_", "value":"Payment", "description":"Payment label on home screen" }, { "key":"_label_limit_", "value":"Limit", "description":"Limit label on home screen" }, { "key":"_label_message-body_", "value":"Message", "description":"New message field label" }, { "key":"_label_message-subject_", "value":"Subject", "description":"New message default subject" }, { "key":"_label_message-reply_", "value":"Reply", "description":"Label for message reply to text area" }, { "key":"_label_message-from_", "value":"from", "description":"Label for indicating who the message is from" }, { "key":"_label_change_email_", "value":"Change email address", "description":"Change email address label on login & settings dialog" }, { "key":"_label_old_email_", "value":"Old email address", "description":"Old email address label on login & settings dialog" }, { "key":"_label_new_email_", "value":"New email address", "description":"Label for the New Email address textbox" }, { "key":"_label_loginwithbank_", "value":"Are you an existing customer of ", "description":"Label for the question that asks if you are an existing customer" }, { "key":"_heading_signin_", "value":"Sign In", "description":"Sign In dialog heading" }, { "key":"_heading_accountsetup_", "value":"Welcome to Applicant Portal", "description":"Account Setup dialog heading" }, { "key":"_heading_messages_", "value":"Messages", "description":"Messages section heading" }, { "key":"_heading_new-message_", "value":"Send a New Message", "description":"Dialog header for sending a new message" }, { "key":"_heading_checklist_", "value":"Checklist", "description":"Checklist section heading" }, { "key":"_heading_task_", "value":"Task", "description":"Task dialog heading" }, { "key":"_heading_signdocs_", "value":"Sign Documents", "description":"Sign Documents dialog heading" }, { "key":"_heading_save-task-warning_", "value":"Save Doc", "description":"Heading for warning dialog that appears when a user saves a task" }, { "key":"_heading_remove-doc-warning_", "value":"Remove Doc", "description":"Heading for warning dialog that appears when a user attempts to remove a doc" }, { "key": "_heading_contacts_", "value": "Contacts", "description": "Contacts dialog heading" }, { "key": "_heading_dashboard-decision-received_", "value": "Step 2 - Your request is ", "description": "Heading displayed on the dashboard when a decision is received" }, { "key": "_heading_dashboard-get-started_", "value": "Step 1 - Review your checklist!", "description": "Heading displayed on the dashboard when a decision is received" }, { "key": "_heading_dashboard-esign_", "value": "Step 3 - Sign Documents", "description": "Heading displayed on the dashboard when documents are ready to be signed" }, { "key": "_heading_forgotPassword_", "value": "Forgot Password", "description": "Heading displayed on the Forgot Password screen" }, { "key": "_heading_secureCode_", "value": "Enter Secure Code", "description": "Heading displayed on the Enter Secure Code screen" }, { "key": "_heading_setPassword_", "value": "Set Password", "description": "Heading displayed on the Set Password screen" }, { "key": "_heading_dashboard-booked_", "value": "Your request is complete", "description": "Heading displayed on the dashboard when a loan is booked" }, { "key": "_heading_dashboard-inprocess_", "value": "Waiting to be completed!", "description": "Heading displayed on the dashboard when a loan is InProcess" }, { "key":"_heading_dashboard-withdrawn_", "value":"Application Withdrawn", "description":"Heading displayed on the dashboard when a loan has been withdrawn" }, { "key":"_heading_messages-today_", "value":"Today", "description":"Heading displayed for messages received today" }, { "key":"_heading_messages-yesterday_", "value":"Yesterday", "description":"Heading displayed for messages received yesterday" }, { "key":"_heading_messages-week_", "value":"This Week", "description":"Heading displayed for messages received this week" }, { "key":"_heading_messages-older_", "value":"Older", "description":"Heading displayed for messages older than a week" }, { "key": "_heading_loginsecurity_", "value": "Login & Security Settings", "description": "Heading displayed on the Login & Security screen" }, { "key":"_loading_checklist_", "value":"Loading Checklist...", "description":"Wait message while checklist is loading" }, { "key":"_instructions_task-completed_", "value":"The following documents were attached:", "description":"Instructions displayed on the completed task dialog" }, { "key":"_instructions_accountsetup_", "value":"Please create a password to finish your account setup. You may use your email & password to securely access your loan status at any time.", "description":"Instructions on account setup screen" }, { "key":"_instructions_accountsetup+sso_", "value":"Create a password to complete your account setup or login using your existing bank credentials.", "description":"Instructions on account setup screen" }, { "key":"_instructions_password-strength_", "value":"Requirements: 8-16 characters, 1 alpha, 1 numeric, 1 uppercase, 1 special character", "description":"Password strength instructions" }, { "key":"_instructions_reviewdoc_", "value":"Please review and acknowledge the document below.", "description":"Instructions on the review document screen" }, { "key":"_instructions_attachdoc_", "value":"Supports images and PDFs only. Multiple documents may be attached to a single checklist item.", "description":"Instructions for supported document types" }, { "key":"_instructions_gettingstarted_", "value":"Our team is reviewing your application! Can you help us by reviewing your checklist below?", "description":"Instructions that appear on the home page when a loan is submitted" }, { "key":"_instructions_esign_", "value":"Please review your checklist for documents to be signed!", "description":"Instructions that appear on the home page when a loan is ready to be signed" }, { "key":"_instructions_forgotPassword_", "value":"What is the email address associated with this account?", "description":"Instructions that appear on the forgot password page" }, { "key":"_instructions_secureCode_", "value":"A secure code was sent to your email address. Enter it here.", "description":"Instructions that appear on the enter secure code page" }, { "key":"_instructions_booked_", "value":"Congratulations, you've completed all required items. Thank you for your business!", "description":"Instructions that appear when an application is booked" }, { "key":"_instructions_inprocess_", "value":"You stopped before we had a chance to review your application. Click Continue Application below to finish it up.", "description":"Instructions that appear when an application is inProcess" }, { "key":"_instructions_login_", "value":"Please enter your email and password in order to view your existing account.", "description":"Instructions that appear on the login screen" }, { "key":"_instructions_withdrawn_", "value":"Your application has been withdrawn. Please contact us with any questions.", "description":"Instructions that appear when an application has been withdrawn" }, { "key":"_instructions_no-messages-1_", "value":"New messages will appear here.", "description":"First line of instructions that appear when there are no messages" }, { "key":"_instructions_no-messages-2_", "value":"Questions? Click the link above to send a new message.", "description":"Second line of instructions that will appear when there are no messages" }, { "key":"_instructions_no-messages-funded_", "value":"Messages are no longer available, please see Contacts for assistance.", "description":"Instructions that appear for messages when a milestone is Funded" }, { "key":"_instructions_link-accounts_", "value":"If you've used an email address and password to Sign In in previously, enter it below to link your accounts.", "description":"Instructions displayed on the link accounts dialog" }, { "key":"_disclosure_reviewdoc_", "value":"I acknowledge that I have read this document.", "description":"Disclosure on the review doc presented after user views doc" }, { "key":"_disclosure_reviewdoc_2_", "value":"* Documents are not available after continuing. If you need to save and/or print, do so before continuing.", "description":"Second line of Disclosure on the review doc presented after user views doc" }, { "key":"_warning_cancel-docupload_", "value":"Are you sure you would like to Cancel? Any attached documents will be deleted.", "description":"Warning displayed when a user attempts to remove an attached doc" }, { "key":"_warning_no-docs-attached_", "value":"Oops! You forgot to attach a document.", "description":"Warning displayed when a user attempts to save a task without attaching documents" }, { "key":"_warning_docs-still-uploading_", "value":"You're too quick, not all files have been uploaded.", "description":"Warning displayed when a user attempts to save a task with documents still being uploaded" }, { "key":"_warning_save-doc_", "value":"Are you sure you would like to Save? Once the task has been saved no additional documents can be attached.", "description":"Warning displayed when a user attempts to save a task" }, { "key":"_warning_remove-doc_", "value":"Are you sure you want to delete the selected doc?", "description":"Warning displayed when a user attempts to remove a doc" }, { "key":"_warning_doc_size", "value":"The document you attached exceeds 10 MB. Please use a smaller file.", "description":"Warning displayed when a user attempts to attach a doc that is too large" }, { "key":"_warning_session-expiring-heading_", "value":"Session Expiring", "description":"Heading displayed for the session expiration dialog" }, { "key":"_warning_session-expiring_", "value":"Your secure session will be expiring soon.", "description":"Warning displayed when a user's session is about to expire" }, { "key":"_warning_session-expiring-seconds_", "value":"seconds", "description":"Amount of time remaining in the session counter" }, { "key":"_warning_attach-docs-android_", "value":"Attaching documents will not work in this version of Android. Please use a different device or use contact us for assistance.", "description":"Warning message displayed to android 4.4 users on the attach docs screen" }, { "key":"_warning_message-sent_", "value":"Message Sent!", "description":"Warning displayed when a message has been sent successfully" }, { "key":"_warning_userName_saved_", "value":"Your request has been completed!", "description":"Message displayed when a email address has been saved successfully" }, { "key":"_warning_accounts-linked-success_", "value":"User account is now linked and the portal will be refereshed to show all loans.", "description":"Warning displayed when an account has been linked successfully" }, { "key":"_warning_accounts-linked-exists_", "value":"This account has already been linked.", "description":"Warning displayed when an account has already been linked" }, { "key":"_error_save-task_", "value":"An error occurred trying to save the task, please try again.", "description":"Error occurs during the saving of a task" }, { "key":"_error_no-tasks_", "value":"There are currently no tasks in your checklist.", "description":"Error displayed when there are no tasks in the checklist" }, { "key":"_error_doc-not-accepted_", "value":"Don't forget to check the box so we know you reviewed the document.", "description":"Error displayed when a user hits save without checking the box to acknowledge receipt of a document" }, { "key":"_error_form-validation_", "value":"Please correct the fields highlighted below", "description":"Standard error message used when form validation fails, more specific text will be used in certain scenarios" }, { "key":"_error_password-validation_", "value":"Passwords don't match", "description":"Error message displayed when the password and confirm password fields don't match" }, { "key":"_error_password-required_", "value":"Password is required", "description":"Error message displayed when a required password field is missing" }, { "key":"_error_password-complexity_", "value":"Password does not meet requirements", "description":"Error message displayed when the entered password does not meet the minimum requirements" }, { "key":"_error_password-expired_", "value":"Oops! Time to change your password.", "description":"Error message displayed when the password has expired" }, { "key":"_error_password-duplicate_", "value":"Oops! You've used this password before.", "description":"Error message displayed when the password has been used before" }, { "key":"_error_secureCode-validation_", "value":"Secure Code is incorrect.", "description":"Error message displayed when the secure code is incorrect" }, { "key":"_error_login-failed_", "value":"Username or password was incorrect", "description":"Error displayed when user authentication fails" }, { "key":"_error_no-loans_", "value":"Oops! There are no existing applications associated with this account. Please apply for a loan.", "description":"Error displayed when there are no loans" }, { "key":"_error_message-validation_", "value":"Please enter a new message", "description":"Error displayed when no message body is entered" }, { "key":"_error_checklist-Message_", "value":"There was a problem with one or more documents", "description":"Error displayed when there is a problem with a checklist item" }, { "key":"_error_emailChange-validation_", "value":"This email address can not be used", "description":"Error message displayed when the email address already in use" }, { "key":"_error_password-incorrect_", "value":"There was a problem with your password", "description":"Error message displayed when the password is incorrect" }, { "key":"_error_eSign_", "value":"We're sorry, but an error occurred while trying to load the documents for signing.", "description":"Error displayed when an error occurs trying to get the auth code from eOriginal" }, { "key":"_link_forgot-password_", "value":"Forgot your password?", "description":"Text displayed for Forgot Password link" }, { "key":"_link_resend-code_", "value":"Resend code", "description":"Text displayed for Resend code link" }, { "key":"_card_applynow-header_", "value":"Apply Now", "description":"Header that appears within the apply now card on the mobile home page" }, { "key":"_card_applynow-description_", "value":"Apply for a new loan now and see what exciting new opportunities await.", "description":"Text that appears within the apply now card on the mobile home page" }, { "key":"_card_applynow-button_", "value":"Apply Now", "description":"Button that appears appears within the apply now card on the home page" }, { "key":"_privacy-link_", "value":"Privacy", "description":"Privacy link in the footer" }, { "key":"_security-link_", "value":"Security", "description":"Security link in the footer" } ]